
In the 1990s, a group of online film nerds posited a theory: “Kevin Bacon is the Center of the Universe”. Because Bacon was so prolific, users would try to figure out the fewest number of steps betwee...

Dragon Age is a series of three fantasy RPGs about sarcastic queer people saving the world, being miserable in a bad city, and militarizing the world’s largest religion, respectively. The games...

The Hyrule of Breath of the Wild is a lonely, ruined world, its wide expanses inhabited by just-out-of-reach memories, ghosts, moss-covered ruins, monsters and trepidatious travelers. Settlemen...

Crush Your Enemies is a textbook example of “don’t judge a book by its cover” in practice. It looks a little underwhelming — with its cartoony barbarian art and doofy storyline about a bunch...

Homefront: The Revolution, the sequel to Kaos Studios’ underwhelming 2011 shooter Homefront (a game best remembered for correctly predicting the year of Kim Jong-il’s death), is nast...

I went into the new Ghostbusters with some degree of trepidation.

Resident cyborg ninja Steven Strom makes the case for Warframe in a new video essay. Check it out up top!

You know that Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay video you were looking for? It’s finally here and it looks awfully, awfully good.

First announced way back in 2012, today’s Microsoft press briefing offered us our first longform glimpse at this long-awaited sci-fi RPG from the makers of The Witcher, Cyberpunk 2077.

Gears of War 4 is out today, and it is every bit the polished, bro-y-but-inclusive action shooter that previous entries have been. Join us on our action-movie journey to beat The Swarm, as played by Z...

Destiny‘s icy Rise of Iron expansion comes along with new, juicy exotic weapons to find and rain merry death and destruction upon one’s foes with. Zam’s Destiny expert Steven Strom shows off...

Destiny‘s icy Rise of Iron expansion comes along with new, juicy exotic weapons to find and rain merry death and destruction upon one’s foes with. Zam’s Destiny expert Steve...

Destiny‘s latest major expansion, Rise of Iron, is finally upon us. Join Zam’s resident Destineer Steven Strom as he explores the icy wilderness of Fell Winter Peak and the DLC’s fin...

Near Death is a survival sim with a strong story and creepy The Thing vibes. You play as a pilot who crash lands at an abandoned Antarctic station in 1982, with nothing but a space h...

Sacramento is a gorgeous little watercolor ‘walking simulator’ by creator DZiff (with sound by Glass Body). I played a bunch and fell a little bit in love with the dreamy, wistful tone of the...

Zombie Night Terror is a unique puzzle/RTS hybrid that puts you in the director’s chair of an ongoing zombie apocalypse movie. Your goal — to infect as many people as you can and reign suprem...

Okhlos is a rowdy, light-RTS/action game with an Ancient Greek theme and a heaping helping of chaos. You play as a little 8-bit philosopher, fed up with the whims of the gods and fighting mad. To that...

Time to Die Adventures is an awesome – and free – little dungeon crawler from creator thatwhichis. You can try the game right here for a little baddie-bashing, dungeon-exploring,...

Anomaly 1729 is a rad indie puzzle game from the folks at Anvil Drop. You can think of it as Portal-esque in concept — only, instead of shooting impossible holes in spacetime, you ro...

Mercy is one of Overwatch‘s prime healers – a guardian angel who can still rain down death when she needs to. Zam’s Steven Strom shows off how to get sweet, sweet Mercy.