Bioware Writer Reveals the Truth for the Most Unsubtle Line in Mass Effect

BioWare writer Patrick Weekes, who was one of the writers on Mass Effect 2, has explained how one of the most unsubtle lines in the series’ history came to be. I’d even go as far as to s...

What Does the Cast of Destiny 2 Smell Like?

With Beyond Light two months away, the Destiny 2 community is full of questions. How will the new Stasis powers work? How is Bungie going to fill the content gap...

Five Essential Gaming Anime To Watch

Video games show up in plenty of anime series, many are even centered on games. Some of the most well known fall into the “transported to another world” anime subgenre known as “isekai,” but there is...

An Exhaustive List of Every Sonic The Hedgehog Food Product Ever Made

Okay look, I know I get a little crazy when it comes to delving deep into the history of Sonic the Hedgehog — I’ve gone through the history of Sonic’s American lore bible, I’ve attested to the weirdne...

Destiny Needs to Stop Having its Most Impactful Moments Offscreen

The fall of the Cabal homeworld, Torobatl. The heroic sacrifice of Osiris’s Ghost, Sagira. The Exo Stranger’s journeys into a dark future. What do these Destiny moments have in comm...

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Personalities & Hobbies of Every Villager

Personalities are a well known part of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. There are jocks, cranky villagers, snooty villagers, and many more. You probably know this. What you may not know is that...

Gaps and Pauses: The Role of Negative Space in Games

At the end of Act 1 in Diablo 3, you’ve descended through the Highlands and the Halls of Agony, battling Khazra, Dark Cultists and the fearsome Warden to meet the Butcher. After a pitched battl...

9 of the Best (and Worst) Switch Ports of AAA Games

Over the last few years, I’ve tried to stop saying that certain games would be a “good fit” for the Nintendo Switch, realizing that, in an ideal world, I would be playing a one-to-one port of every ga...

An Ode to Kaidan Alenko

In a series like Mass Effect where choices create diverging paths, it’s impossible for everyone to see everything. But after over a decade of following the series, I’ve seen how consensus trend...

How Tinder Inspired a New Genre of Political Video Games

Do you like Tinder? Do you like video games? Do you like politics? If you answered yes to at least two of these questions you should know that there’s a whole emerging game genre that mixes the playfu...

Oh God, I'm an Introvert in Animal Crossing, Too?

I’m still picking away at Animal Crossing: New Horizons every so often. I’m not, nor will I ever, aim to be a person who can utilize all the game’s tools to create things as elaborate as...

Meet the Sea Shanty-Singing Sailors of Sea of Thieves

It’s not every day that you’re treated to a concert in a video game (unless it’s Fortnite), but for some fortunate Sea of Thieves players, it’s happened when they stumbled across...

An Ode to Final Fantasy XIII's Oerba Dia Vanille

Spoilers for the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy to follow.

I Reunited with My Best Friend in Animal Crossing: New Horizons After 15 Years

“If you take good care of them, flowers reward you with blooms,” tells me Olive on the first day after she moves into my island. “They can’t talk to us in words, but I feel like our hearts can commune...

An Ode to Final Fantasy VII's Aerith Gainsborough

Major spoilers for Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII Remake to follow.

Friendly Traders Fight Seedy Scammers in the Animal Crossing Turnip Community

Animal Crossing: New Horizons provides a number of ways to hustle in its Bell-based economy if you want to get rich quick and pay off Tom Nook’s endless loans. One of the best is...

Final Fantasy XIII Established the Best Aspects of Final Fantasy VII Remake

I’m almost done with Final Fantasy VII Remake, but from when I first started it on Thursday night, it’s deeply reminded me of one of my favorite entries in the series, Final Fantasy XIII<...

15 Super Mario RPG Characters That Would Ruin an Anniversary Party

It’s the 25th anniversary of my favorite video game of all time, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars! Originally released for the Super Nintendo in Japan on March 9, 1996, this colorfu...

The Suicide Mission Was the Best and Worst Thing to Happen to Mass Effect

Mass Effect 2’s final mission wrote the series’ name in the stars, but it also poisoned the well of discourse surrounding it in the ten years since the game launched.

The Metal Gear Solid Novelization is a Modern Classic

I’ve never played a Metal Gear Solid game. For years I thought the series was impenetrable, a shadowy and undecipherable opus hidden behind the mythic auteur of Hideo Kojima. By sheer cultural...