Mike Williams

Mike Williams





FFXIV Halts Automatic Housing Demolition, Again

Square Enix has decided to indefinitely postpone the automatic demolition of inactive estates in Final Fantasy XIV. The process was scheduled to go back into effect on March 9. Instead...

Valve Boss Gabe Newell Says His Son Got Him Into FFXIV

With 25 million registered players, Final Fantasy XIV continues to reach a wide variety of players. Even the father of Final Fantasy himself has been getting...

FFXIV Composer Reflects on the “Culmination of a Musical Journey” in Endwalker

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker wasn’t just the end of the narrative of Hydaelyn and Zodiark, it was also the end of an aural adventure. FFXIV sound director Mas...

FFXIV Streamer Zepla Finds Refuge From Ukrainian Crisis in Poland

Earlier this month, we highlighted the plight of Jessica St. John, known to many in the Final Fantasy XIV community as ZeplaHQ. Though Zepla was born in the United States, she mov...

FFXIV Streamer ZeplaHQ Offers Insight Into Ukrainian Crisis

One of the most magical things about the Final Fantasy XIV community is that it’s truly global. We have players across the globe, each bringing their own perspectives and experiences to...

Final Fantasy Creator Weaves His Own Gucci Magic In FFXIV

The story of Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi and Final Fantasy XIV is still unfinished. The father of the franchise first started playing the game in late Septembe...

FFXIV’s Next Story Content Will Give Krile and Thancred Some Shine Soon

Let’s be honest, Krile is the most useless primary member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Tataru isn’t combat-ready, but she slings a mean coin and gets things done. Krile is around because of her...

FFXIV: Thoughts per Second Clenches World First Clear of Asphodelos Savage

In a sea of casual fun-lovers, there are progression raiders honing their craft in Final Fantasy XIV. They might cry out for more Extreme, Savage, and Ultimate content to clear, but they do e...

FFXIV Offers a Free Emote in GrubHub Collaboration

It seems that Square Enix will be offering players a chance to grab a new emote! You can’t have a pizza party without pizza and, apparently, can’t have pizza without this emote. (Not entirely true, as...

FFXIV Prepares for Endwalker With “Fly Me To The Moon” Remix

We wait for Final Fantasy XIV to come back from maintenance. When it does, we’ll have started patch 6.0, also known as the Endwalker expansion. It’s a time for anticipation and excitemen...

FFXIV Adds Separate Zone Instances To Help Day One Endwalker Server Congestion

Ah, expansion launch day. When Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker begins its early access on December 3, everyone will be rushing to get a headstart on the walk to the end. Imagine thousands of folks...

Academia Eorzea Manga is the First Step Toward The FFXIV Dating Sim We All Want

During the last Live Letter from the Producer, Square Enix revealed a new spinoff manga for Final Fantasy XIV. The title was romanized during the stream as Academia Eorzea, while the Jap...

Final Fantasy Creator Hironobu Sakaguchi Finishes Shadowbringers, Laughs at Your Backlog

We have reached the end of our journey, friends. Well, someone has — and we’ve been there to witness it. Hironobu Sakaguchi, the director of the original Final Fantasy and lead developer behind...

Final Fantasy Creator Storms Into FFXIV Shadowbringers

Can’t stop, won’t stop. Hironobu Sakaguchi, the director behind the original Final Fantasy and the steward for the series in its earlier iterations, has been playing Final Fantasy XIV si...

Final Fantasy Creator Steamrolls FFXIV Heavensward in Two Days

The past and present of Final Fantasy have finally met. Hironobu Sakaguchi, director and co-writer of the first Final Fantasy, started playing Final Fantasy XIV for the first time...

FFXIV Endwalker Preview: It Will Be Easier to Level Up Main and Secondary Jobs

As we wait in the gulf between now and the release of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, one of the biggest side hustles for most of us is leveling another job. Alongside my Relic grind, I personall...

Final Fantasy Creator Starts Playing FFXIV, Names A Lalafell After Himself

Truly, we have come full circle. 34 years ago, a young Square programmer named Hironobu Sakaguchi introduced the world to Final Fantasy. The RPG became an instant hit, spawning the legendary mu...