Lost Ark Harmony Island Guide – Spawn Schedule, Song of Heavenly Harmony

Harmony Island is one of the most colorful and flowery places in Lost Ark, but not every player is a fan. Perhaps it has something to do with the limited Island Token drop rates? Or the less-...

Lost Ark Gold Farming Guide - How to Make Gold Efficiently

Looking for more Lost Ark Gold? Don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to farm it. You could maintain a reliable source of Gold income by doing your dungeons, get a mountain of the stuff by fi...

Lost Ark Pirate Coin Guide – Farming with Quests, Dailies, & More

Searching Lost Ark’s vast open oceans for Pirate Coins? Then look no further. Pirate Coins are great for item level upgrades, hiring crew, and releasing prisoners from creepy, icy islands. So...

Lost Ark Express Mission Event Guide: How to Change Event Characters

Events continue rampant in Lost Ark even a couple of months after its initial release in the West. The Glaivier has recently joined the classes roster, while the Destroyer arrives in May alon...

Lost Ark Powerpass Guide – How To Get Two Powerpasses, How It Works

In Lost Ark, getting to level 50 should be your top priority. Not only will you unlock myriad features in your path, but you’ll also gain access to the endgame, which is where everything...

Lost Ark Lullaby Island Guide – It’s Okay Miss Fairy, Forest’s Minuet, Mokoko Seeds

Lost Ark’s Lullaby Island challenge doesn’t make you fight anyone, but it’s still one of the trickiest islands in the game. Get ready for several unexpected requirements, a secret area with a...

Lost Ark Pets Guide - How to Get a Free Pet & How They Work

The world of Lost Ark is massive and full of wonders, and there’s no shortage of people trekking around and doing quests. Of course, you can play most of the game on your own if you’d li...

Lost Ark Bard PVE Build Guide - Engravings, Stats, and Skill Points

Instead of giving support players the option to create a traditional Priest or White Mage-style spellcaster, Lost Ark features the Bard, a musical support class that wields a Harp into battle...

Lost Ark Awakening Quest 1 & 2 Walkthrough – Location Not Showing Up

There’s nothing wrong with normal abilities, but have you seen your Lost Ark Awakening skills yet? It’s basically the same as any front-, back- and stun attack you’ve used before, only way be...

Lost Ark Walkthrough - All Main Story Quests Explained

The main story of Lost Ark will get you to visit dozens of areas across the world. Main quests play a big part in the leveling process of your characters — if you strictly stick to the m...

Lost Ark Sorceress PVE Build Guide - Engravings, Stats, and Skill Points

Lost Ark features a wide variety of classes that each carry the potential to deal heavy damage, but none are quite as explosive as the Sorceress. If you’re interested in playing as a traditio...

Lost Ark Gerka Guide - Should You Save Gerka or Run Away?

While Lost Ark isn’t remotely close to an experience from Telltale Games in terms of story decisions, there are still some choices to make. As you progress through the main quests, you come a...

Lost Ark PVE Tier List - Best Lost Ark Classes for PVE

If you’re not interested in Lost Ark for PVP, don’t fret, as there are tons of PVE activities waiting for you. From Chaos Dungeons to Adventure Islands, you can spend dozens of hours into

Lost Ark Sailing Guide – How To Unlock Sailing and How It Works

Following the main story in Lost Ark will lead you to explore the first continent in full, traversing dozens of different areas. That being said, this isn’t everything that the MMO has t...

Lost Ark Shangra Guide - Where to Find All Shangra Locations

Limited-time encounters are everywhere in Lost Ark, especially as you venture further into the endgame after unlocking sailing. Keeping an eye out on upcoming events is key to making the...

Lost Ark Leveling Guide - How to Get to Level 50 Fast

In MMOs, getting to the endgame is part of the journey, and Lost Ark is no exception. That being said, depending on the type of player you are, most people will be interested in reaching that...

Lost Ark Main Character Guide - Change Character Slot, How They Work

Your first character in Lost Ark doesn’t have to be the only one you’ll be sticking with throughout the whole game, but it’s certainly important. Unlike other games, characters can serve...