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Revision Zero




Spectrochemical analysis inconclusive. Material is polyphasic. Prediction models fail to return reliable results during exposure to standard stress trials. Cannot recommend for practical application at this time.


Per Alton's request, we've buried Stevenson's analysis and the reports from K1. I've taken the liberty of authorizing material synthesis and informing our partners at HHI that we have the green light to begin testing.


Fabrication is moving slower than previously thought. Production hit a dead end trying to replicate the polyphasic properties of the artifact. Insight developed a new fabrication process utilizing a metamaterial we're calling synthweave that has us back on track.


Please bear in mind that per our contract any material innovations or developments brought about through experimentation or analysis of the artifact are BrayTech corporate property.


Cary, are you able to open comms to Titan? I've been trying to raise Zhang all day, and I'm getting a resolution error.


We can't make contact from here, either. We're dealing with a few fires on our end, might be RAS interference. I'll get back to you.


I just spoke to Stevenson, network outage seems widespread. I don't know what's going on. Have you heard anything? I can't contact the Mindlab facility on Mars, and the defense systems have come online on a SKYSHOCK protocol. Is Rasputin running a system test? Please advise.

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Barrel Slot

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Hunter's Trace IV

This weapon fires special shield-piercing ammunition. Precision hits grant targeting data. [Alternate Weapon Action] to swap to the alternate scope, loading high-damage rounds based on the amount of targeting data. Strong against [Shield-Piercing] Barrier Champions.

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Hunter's Trace III

This weapon fires special shield-piercing ammunition. Precision hits grant targeting data. [Alternate Weapon Action] to swap to the alternate scope, loading high-damage rounds based on the amount of targeting data. Strong against [Shield-Piercing] Barrier Champions.

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Hunter's Trace II

This weapon fires special shield-piercing ammunition. Precision hits grant targeting data. [Alternate Weapon Action] to swap to the alternate scope, loading high-damage rounds based on the amount of targeting data. Strong against [Shield-Piercing] Barrier Champions.

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Hunter's Trace

This weapon fires special shield-piercing ammunition. Precision hits grant targeting data. [Alternate Weapon Action] to swap to the alternate scope, loading high-damage rounds based on the amount of targeting data. Strong against [Shield-Piercing] Barrier Champions.