Call of Duty Guides

COD: MW3 MTZ-556 Guide - Best Build & Loadout for 6v6 Maps

Modern Warfare 3 has hundreds of attachments (with many being virtual lookalikes that essentially do the same thing slightly differently), which makes building guns an incredibly confusing process! Lo...

COD: MW3 MCW Guide - Best Build & Loadout for 6v6 Maps

Modern Warfare 3 has hundreds of attachments (with many being virtual lookalikes that essentially do the same thing slightly differently), which makes building guns an incredibly confusing process! Lo...

COD: MW3 FR 5.56 Guide - Best Build & Loadout for 6v6 Maps

Modern Warfare 3 has hundreds of attachments (with many being virtual lookalikes that essentially do the same thing slightly differently), which makes building guns an incredibly confusing process! Lo...

COD: MW3 HRM-9 Guide - Best Build & Loadout for Small Maps

Modern Warfare 3 has hundreds of attachments (with many being virtual lookalikes that essentially do the same thing slightly differently), which makes building guns an incredibly confusing process! Lo...

COD: MW3 RAM-9 Guide - Best Build & Loadout for Small Maps

Modern Warfare 3 has hundreds of attachments (with many being virtual lookalikes that essentially do the same thing slightly differently), which makes building guns an incredibly confusing process! Lo...

COD: MW3 Haymaker Conversion Kit (JAK Maglift Kit) Guide - Best Build & Loadout for 6v6 Maps

The brand-new JAK Maglift Kit has released for the Haymaker, catching a few balance changes within hours of its release! The JAK Maglift ups the Haymaker's magazine capacity to a whopping 60 rounds an...