Alexis Ong

Alexis Ong





Fear of a Yellow Planet: Why We Need to Actually Understand Cyberpunk

This December, two things are bound to happen. First, CDPR will release Cyberpunk 2077 to its rabid fanbase of gamers amid concerns about labor practices at the notoriously c...

Digging Into the Secret Feng Shui of Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Back in May, Twitter user and daily Animal Crossing player @1c3b3rgmama appealed to New Horizons’ feng shui by placing four pop-eyed goldfish in the corners o...

A League of Their Own: Women's Esports in Southeast Asia

In a 2017 interview with ESPN, Korean Overwatch League star Kim “Geguri” Se-Yeon described wanting to disguise her voice with a modulator so that male players would team up with her. This is ju...